General information

Name Meaning:Damir means give peace and Lalor means weak,ailing person.


Age: 25 (ages with me)

Birthday: june 1st


Gender: male he/they

Orientation: BI/ARO

Currently living in:A small apartment.



Relationship Status:taken


Languages known:English and German

Any physical illnesses?:low eyesight, anemia, joint issues, Carpal Tunnel

Any mental illnesses?:Chronic Depression,Social and generalized anxiety,EDNOS

Extra medical info:ADHD,Autism(low support needs),delayed sleep disorder


Hair Color:dirty Blonde with light hightlights

Hairstyle: short above shoulder, layered

Type of hair:curly 3a/3b mixed

Eye Color: hazel

Body Structure:thin, not toned-softer

Height: 5'3

Skin color:pale, cool to neutral undertones

Distinguishing Features:glasses

Preferred Clothing style:academia, grandpa-core, goth and emo influences

Accessories:oval to round black glasses with teal arms

How old does he appear:16-18 based on perception

Shape of face:heart

Glasses or contacts:glasses

Overall attractiveness:5/10

Favorite outfit:an anchor sweater with dark wash jeans



Food:chinese takeout and soups

Color:bering sea blue

Least favorite color:yellow





Time of day:evening

Thing to watch:history videos

Movie:wizard of oz

Show:paranoia agent

Type of art:surrealism

Genre of music:metal

Genre of literature:classics

Genre of shows:horror

Genre of movies:horror

Mode of transportation:biking

Most prized possession:his main sketchbook


Description:Damir is a quiet and shy young man. He prefers listening to others talk and observing them. He can become slightly talkative about extreme interests but he will quickly shut down once he catches himself infodumping and apolagise over and over. He leans on the agreeable side even to his own discomfort. Highly capable as a default and people trust him scarily fast. He also tended to come across modest and overly shy in public. Most friends think he is open but he keeps true emotions and thoughts to himself.

Strengths:Capable, trustworthy, and kind

Weaknesses:anxious, not trusting, cynical

Mood character is most often in: Melancholy

Sense of humor:dark

Character’s greatest joy in life:listening to music while painting

Character’s greatest fear:Being seen as useless

Why? Not being usful means he must not be wanted or kept around. He feels he must be doing something 24/7

What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? Having those he loves turn out to hate him

Character is most at ease when:when he gets to paint without being stopped, secodly to it he loved reading as well

Most ill at ease when:left alone with certain people he does not trust/ has a bad feeling with

Enraged when:lied to

Depressed or sad when:always

Priorities:working so he feels like he belongs somewhere

Life philosophy:“When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen.” ― Ernest Hemingway

Character’s soft spot:petting stray cats (he baby talks them too)

Is this soft spot obvious to others?No, you'd have to catch him doing it to know it.

Character’s darkest secret:He hides self harming behind unknown ways to do said action.

Does anyone else know?no

Optimist or pessimist? pessimist

Introvert or extrovert? introvert and shy

Daredevil or cautious? cautious

Logical or emotional? both equally

Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? methodical with others, disordered in private

Prefers working or relaxing? working

Confident or unsure of himself/herself? unsure with himself

Animal lover? highly



Backstory:Damir is a midwest kid. He comes from a small town near the water which grew a love of water and lighthouses early on. He was neglected by circumstances with overworking parents and being both a scape-goat and parantified for his younger siblings. He also struggled with never being able to properly find a friend group leaving him bullied and left behind his peers. He started schooling later on due to mental health and family issues.

Purpose:survive/ go home


Type of childhood:iffy


Childhood hero:a story character he adored

Dream job:Historian with artist on the side

Education:uni graduate


Finances:poor but improved as a teen






Current Issue:being alive


Plays a musical instrument?yes, but badly

Plays a sport?no

How he/she would spend a rainy day:reading or gaming

Spending habits:impulsive



Other drugs:no

What does he/she do too much of?overthink

What does he/she do too little of?eat or sleep

Extremely skilled at:painting

Extremely unskilled at:talking

Quotes that describe your character:

“Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know.” ― Ernest Hemingway

“I yearned for everything long gone.” ― Osamu Dazai

“If one cannot enjoy reading a book over and over again, there is no use in reading it at all.” ― Oscar Wilde

“When you consider things like the stars, our affairs don't seem to matter very much, do they?” ― Virginia Woolf

“I was happy anywhere I could see the ocean.” ― Ai Yazawa

“I looked upon the sea, it was to be my grave” ― Mary Shelley

I believe our future depends powerfully On how well we understand this cosmos ― Carl Sagan

Top 3 songs your OC listens to:

Taroko-August Greenwood, Explain it at the Coffee Shop-Ashton Edminster, Death, Come Near Me- Draconian
